Wednesday 25 March 2020

Tuesday 24 March 2020

[Translation] 200225 — Kang Han Na's Volume up Radio Broadcast

This is not the first time myung soo doing a radio broadcast right
🐱: No, this isn’t the first time. Not long ago, during angel’s last mission: love we did a radio broadcast too, but still I’m really nervous 

The least stressful looking here is you
🐱: No, I’m quite nervous

Introduce each other’s role
🐢: myung soo really is such a cat
🐱: you really know how to praise
🐱: the script was written in advance, and filming started last year during winter period

I heard that you have watched a lot of movie recently, are there any roles you want to act?
🐱: I want to try whatever roles. However, lately I am a vagrant (he doesn’t work recently). I have watched a lot of movie at home. Since this time, I am playing a role of a cat, the next role I will be a human then

Today myung soo is dressed in red outfit, is it because you’re in a good mood?
🐱: this is my personal clothes!!! Fans always said that I only dressed in black outfit, and said that I only have black clothes in my closet. I have bright color outfit in my wardrobe too, hence I picked this (outfit for today)

Rating target
🐱: haven’t really thought about it, as long as everyone show a lot of interest and loves, that’s more than enough. It would be great if the rating can reach 7, 8, 9, 10

First impression of each other
🐢: has a very small and youthful face
🐱: I saw ye eun at a BBQ store located at hapjeong during lunch time. She is really a very outgoing friend
🐢: we said hello at that time, and ate like crazy
🐱: she can really eat well, and had a lot of fried tteokbokki
🐢: shhh!

Between a cat hong jo and a human hong jo, which one do you think you have more chemistry with?
🐢: I choose human hong jo

If byul turned into a human, what do you wanna do with him?
🐱: I have never thought of this question before. I think we should be having kimchi-jjigae together, yes, I love kimchi-jjigae. But byul will be in charge of cooking the food

Morning call!
🐱: wake up, it is time to wake up, it is time to go to school, bye bye

Role model (actors/actress)
🐱: Ha ji won
🐢: I have a lot of sunbaenim

Thought on debuting
🐱: debuted for 11 years already, currently I have a YouTube channel too, have a lot of thoughts. Even when I’m having my rest day, I do planning, read my scripts, and planning for my next work/project. I’m currently an actor, and also a singer, currently I’m preparing for my album too. That’s why I barely resting.

How do you deal with NG
🐱: to focus again, I will raise my hands, clench my fist, then look at my fist, then click my fingers to concentrate.

Fan: myung soo has slimmed down so much, don’t get sick
🐱: yes, I have become skinner, because it’s what the role requires. But right now, I am healthy! Please don’t worry

-there is this part they were having OST Q and A-
(I don’t really know how to translate this part, so I’m skipping this small part >_<)

It would be good to have you both to sing a OST together
🐱 🐢: it would be good if we’re given this opportunity

Myung soo recommended INFINITE sunbaenim’s “be mine” to be played on the radio broadcast
🐱: yes, INFINITE chingu are you seeing this?

Myung soo’s nickname is μ‹ λͺ°λ‚¨ (a man that god gave everything to)
🐱: yes, that’s what fans called me ahhh -shy- as long as it’s given by the fans, I love it all

Ending speech
🐱: I enjoyed myself and really happy! I hope everyone can give a lot of love to the new drama “welcome”

KR to CHI, by Ena_soosu
CHI to ENG, by staywithyouL
(not 100% accurate, sorry in advance)

Monday 24 February 2020

[Translation] 200224 — Myungsoo's Vlive Radio

Hello everyone
Hi everyone, good morning
What am I doing now?
After shooting in Seoul, we’re not moving to Yongin-si
On the wat now, in the car

What time did I woke up?
About 6am? Got up before 8am

No no
I slept for about 4 hours
Slept for 4/5 hours

I hope everyone pays attention to your health
I had banana in the morning
Ate a banana
Bananas are rich in iron, and can also reduce swelling (I believe he is talking about his face~)
I’m a bit swollen today, and have been touching and messaging it to reduce the swelling

It will swell when I’m busy

No, I’m busy today
Full of energy
If we look at the schedule today, we have a lot to tick
Our staffs will make a day itinerary
If the itinerary comes out for the next day, I mark the parts with my yellow highlighter, the parts that I need to appear in the drama
There are 20 over parts for today filming, which is almost 95%
Yes, the manager is driving seriously

Ah, that’s not the sound of the train
I’m currently in the car
Just now was at Seoul
Now in the car, moving toward to Yongin-si
My parts should be released a lot
After all, I filmed a lot of scenes
It should come out a lot

Are you tired?
Emmm also not tired, just busy

There is this comment, “the manager should be good at driving kekeke and often turn on the turn signal”
Turn on the turn signal often
(continue to laugh)
Seems to be very good at driving, often turn on the turn signal

(Sudden laugh)
Best driver
ah~ so funny

I don’t drive that well either
Just drive
(laugh again)
My manager who is in front, keep moving here and there
What is wrong with me
(hahahahaha manager eye signal)

Look, it’s all written here that I drive very well
Smoothly and slowly
it is written like this
Also attached a confident expression

Driving in Tahiti is fun
There.. how should I put it
There are quite a lot like roundabouts
Have to always turn on the direction lights, because there are many roundabouts

Ah, today is Monday
Everyone must go to work on Monday
Yes today is Monday
Not Monday?
Right it’s Monday

Ah me?
I just drank water

Yesterday many fans went to sunggyu’s concert
I can’t go, because there were too many things to be done

Ah~ lose weight? I’m not losing weight
Just like this, I haven’t lost weight recently
When filming, a lot of energy is needed hence I lost a lot during the filming
So, I just eat, and then I got very swollen

As everyone knows
Shooting and talking pictures will look even more bloated than reality
And I’m originally that kind of person who swell easily
Can even swell by just drinking water

So every morning I need to ease the swelling

Red bean water? Red bean water? That one…
Does it work?
(sorry, this part I don’t know how to translate it T-T.But Myungsoo is kind of confused with “
νŒ₯λ¬Ό”, like is there something called “νŒ₯λ¬Ό”?)

Pumpkin water is the most useful
What is good for swelling?
I also drink green tea
But the best is still message it

Someone said, did I entered the wrong chatroom
not this one?

Oh, I went in the morning
It’s cold outside today
Very windy
It was really cold the day before yesterday as well
The wind is really big
I got really startled
Because it was really cold

___-min said green tea with lemon works well too
What works well? You mean swelling work well?

Someone said that in your next life, I want to be KMS’s heat pack
No. please be a human so that we can meet

Lemon, green tea, sugar, although this combination can help to reduce swelling, it’s very good (but you will gain weight)

Why is this woman (the staffs?)
Always laughing whenever I speak
Always laughing at what I said

If you eat like this, you will gain weight

Beside me?
Next to me are our staffs
There is makeup artists, hair stylist, stylist, and managers
No no, it is not very cold
I just like to rub it (the heat pack)
Why warm your body with heat pack?
Isn’t it warm?
I keep rubbing, it’s really warm
The staffs next to me told me to stop rubbing it
They said I’m noisy

Ah, no it didn’t explode (LOL if I’m not wrong he is still talking about the heat pack)

So fast it has been 16 minute already
Really passed by so fast

So that about it
I will come here again
It’s really cold today
Be careful not to catch a cold
I will go then!
bye bye~

KR CHI © Ena_soosu
CHI ENG © staywithyouL, not 100% accurate, sorry in advance

[Translation] Marie Claire – 2020 March Ft. Kim Myung Soo

Marie Claire – 2020 March Ft. Kim Myung Soo

Q: Many people say that among the characters in the TV drama “Welcome”, you have the highest similarity to the characters you are acting.

People around me and the fans say the same thing too. Actually, to be honest, I think that this character has the least similarity to me in the roles I have played so far. This role portrayed a cat becomes a human. First of all, because I am not a cat (laugh), secondly, there are no similar points. Personalities are also far apar. However, because if the differences hence I got even more curious. During the filming, I became more aware of the role and felt the connection/chemistry reaction to the character (hongjo).

Q: How did you feel when you first came across the script?

I like the script very much, as the lines are filled with warmness. The atmosphere of this drama is also very heart warming.  When I came into contact with my character (hongjo), I found it very interesting, having to change from a cat to a human. Although it is difficult to interpret the relationship between cats and humans. But the script is interestingly new/unusual.

Q: In the drama, are there any lines that can make people feel the warm atmosphere at once?

When showing the cat’s perspective in the drama, narration is often being used. There is a line that goes like this, “if it is a human, it is possible to hug for a while”.

Q: In order to better understand and express the cat’s mentality, did you do any studies?

I also have a cat named byul, follow my surname, full name is kim byul. Initially, I planned to observe byul, however it didn’t help much. It is because byul is the type who is more attached to human, “dog-type cat”.  I just observe byul yawns, how he stretches, and play around. In fact, it is impossible to fully understand the cat’s personalities. Therefore, it is better to better understand the character (hongjo), than trying to figure out the personalities of the cats. It’s about cats becoming humans after all, so at first, there are many times I couldn’t understand the words coming from a human and the hidden meaning behind those words. For example, “look at the watch (time)” expressed a kind of dissatisfaction with people who are late, but to hongjo it simply understood is as looking at the watch. Therefore, I concentrate on how to express the innocence in a child.

Q: You acted as an angel in your previous drama, which of the 2 characters, between cat and angel, is more difficult for you?

The role I’m currently acting is always the hardest. This is a fact that will never change. Acted as angel, emperor, pariah, and also as lawyer, those are already in the past, it is a life that has already pasted. Right now, the role that is currently being acted out, I don’t know what will happen in the future, so it is difficult.

Q: Last year, at the year-end award show, you won <Angel’s Last Mission: Love> best new actor award. The first award you get as an actor should mean a lot to you. How do you feel on that day?

I’m a little overwhelmed. In fact, it was all written on my face.

Q: In your award speech, you mentioned that you will continue to show a better side of yourself. What do you think as an actor, by showing a better side means (or can be shown)?

Being consistent. Doing it step by step, it is linked to sincerity. So, I hope everyone can feel that I “have improved from before”, and that’s good enough. Because of this, I have been consistently working hard to live on.

Q: Your hard work didn’t fail you and achieved good results, what are your thoughts?

I think it is a process to getting good results. However, I have an objective view of what I’m doing, and even evaluate myself for not doing well enough. Because if you feel that you’re doing well, you will eventually become slack. I am the type that I will push myself. Of course, you need to adjust to your own rhythm calmly and stay nervous at all times. Staying enthusiastic and always working hard is my foundation.

Q: Your body and mind should be very busy.

Yes, very. My mind has longed for higher achievements/goals. However, it is also contradicting. So, I will try to filled up my schedules. At the start of every year, I will make a full year plan to kick start the year.

Q: This year you have also planned everything up till December?

Of course. Although it is possible to get out of track, however adjustment will be made accordingly to avoid such things from happening. Just like the computer software, it has to be upgraded all the time. Occasionally, an unexpected event will be shaken. At time like this, I will take a break. Do you think I have been living such a tiring life? (laugh)

Q: Looking at the list of work you have acted, from the first role till now. If you will to interpret it as a human process, you can feel that the age is getting older and older. Is this also a part of what you planned as an actor?

Although it can’t be said that it was intentional, but it was done carefully. I think it is the best to play a role that is at my age. In this way, we can better accept the role and express it. However, that doesn’t mean by acting well in a role mean I have to act a role of my age. Sometimes, I want it to be challenging. But of course, it is something within my range,

Q: How much recognition do you have as an actor?

I believe in myself when I’m filming. Although there are times when I don’t believe in myself and feeling unsatisfied, but I choose to believe in my decision and efforts. But the end, I will be hit by the reality. When I got home, thoughts like “what should I do?” will come to me and I will feel the pain. It’s always repeated like this.

Q: 11 years since debut, do you think you have changed a lot?

There were a lot of changes. Appearance has changed a lot, and the perspective I look at things have also changed. As time goes by, I feel like I’m finding myself. When I was young, it was more of an environment created by others, and I had to fit myself into the environment they created for me. Right now, there are more things I need to do by myself. I think this is the biggest changes.

Q: During this period, did you find the other side of yourself?
I’m a person who works hard to live. No matter what there are times I make mistake, and don’t feel a sense of accomplishment. Even if I won an award, I will return to everyday after a day. No matter how loud the cheers I get at the concerts, when I get home, it is still me. It is the most important to maintain your own essence at all times. My essence is “a person who works hard”

KR CHI ©L_In_Passion
ENG ©staywithyouL, sorry not 100% accurate, sorry in advance

Monday 17 February 2020

[Translation] 200217 — Myungsoo's Vlive Post

Vlive: Here

Myungsoo annyeong
🐱: hello~

Myungsoo ya❤❤❤❤❤
🐱: hello~!!

It's snowing and cold. Are you filming?
🐱: travelling to another site

Hwaiting with your filming today
🐱: Hwaiting~~~~

Oppa Yeosu-si couldn't see snow because it wasn't snowing, but you must have seen it!
🐱: I went to Yeosu-si last month to film

What did you eat today?
🐱: For lunch I had eaten sweet potatoes, orange crunch (I assume is those well packaged oranges), banana and whole wheat bread...?

I am waiting for "Welcome" hongjo come quickly~~~
🐱: I am coming.~~

I can't wait to eat chicken
🐱: you are going to order it anyway, why don't you do it now

What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
🐱: want to eat something exciting/tempting (?). Tteokbokki or ramen ah is it a snack for today

I'm going to eat chicken feet tonight. Oppa do you like chicken feet?
🐱: Chicken feet should go with rice balls or noodles

Please recommend dinner. Hmm...something stimulating/exciting
🐱: Braised ribs

Chicken feet are delicious with rice balls and soju
🐱: Are you old / how old are you (?)

Myeong ya~~ noona is getting ready for work!! This timing is really good~~
🐱: ayo γ…  its weekend cheers up!

Is hongjo dressed in warm clothes these days???? I hope you don't catch a cold while filming
🐱: When we were shooting yesterday, it was warm outside. Then it got cold again.

Hyung, I have a question. It's bleeding whenever I shave, do you have any tips?
🐱: Did you use shaving cream?

Oppa are you coming back to Bundang-gu for shooting?
🐱: well won't be going

Oppa I live in Yongin-si but I haven't seen you before (for filming)
🐱: It is possible, after all Yongin-si is huge. 

Oppa aren't you coming to Bucheon-si? I came to the Lake park when Miss Hammurabi was filming
🐱: yes Bucheon-si too, this time...

Noona lives in Incheon, but I have never seen any of your traces except at Incheon Airport
🐱: I went to Incheon when I was filming Angel's last mission: love

you won't come to busan right
🐱: I will go and play, and to eat something delicious

Please recommend any shaving
🐱: I don't know much about the product; I just use the best one. Have to be careful and do it slowly. If not just use an electric razor

Oppa come to Daejeon! Although it is not fun city, but Sungsimdang is waiting for you
🐱: I really like Daejeon. The first place I went on a trip in Korea was Daejeon. I'm planning to go there in the first half of the year, as I picked out a list of restaurants a few days back.

Please say a word to me asking me to study hard
🐱: Don't study hard, learn often (do it often)

Be sure to visit Busan, Myungsoo ya
🐱: I went to Busan a few times, and I ate raw fish in Mipo

Noona's comments are still buried today γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ Myungsoo yayayaya I'm going to cry again today
🐱: Like noona's profile picture? Don't do that...

You can't read my comments all the time
🐱: Yes I can see it

I looked at Oppa's picture and drew an illusion of oppa
🐱: Oh i'm looking forward to it

Oppa whenever you update your Instagram, the slipper that looks like a bread... where did you get those slippers. it's my taste
🐱: oh that is... my hairdresser got me to wear on set

Oppa which fruits do you like?
🐱: pear pineapple melon

Myungsoo oppa~ Do you like tea or milk?
🐱: I like fruit tea or herb tea.

Do you drink decaffeinated coffee often these days?
🐱: There's a lot to drink, when you're working

🐱: Take care of your health, everyone! Have a nice weekend!

KR > CHI Cr. L_In_Passion_ι‡‘ζ˜Žζ΄™δΈ­ζ–‡δΈͺη«™
CHI > ENG Cr. staywithyouL

Wednesday 5 February 2020

[Translation] 200205 — Radio broadcasts [12:19] - Partial translation

200205 Radio broadcasts [12:19] - Partial translation

Someone asked who am I, I’m Kim Myung Soo ya

I just finished filming, took a shower when I got home and decided to start a live broadcast for a while right after. I need to get up early in the morning, so I’m going to bed right after I have done reading my script.

Someone posted a picture of team B (on IG), everyone thought that I have done with filming already, actually I’m still filming, it will probably end in early march – mid march. Really busy. There is still filming tomorrow morning, so I need to get up early.

(fan’s comment)
If there is filming tomorrow morning, shouldn’t you be sleeping now?
Yeah, I’m going to bed. So, I’m going to just online for a short while.
I’m at home and have already eaten. Of course, I’m not eating now. If I will to eat now, I will have indigestion.

(fan’s comment)
I have gotten my paid today. Congratulations haha

(there is this part Myung soo talked about his senior sent him a message which I really don’t understand. So, I didn’t translate this part.)

Someone asked me to update my IG, I have just updated today~ go check it

I have been filming almost every day, so I can’t come here often. I have been wondering if I should leave a comment like I usually did or start a live broadcast. I feel like everyone wants to hear my voice; hence I turned on the live radio.

It suddenly got cold recently, and it’s snowing today. The snow got heavy in the evening. I still can welcome the snow in filming studio, it’s all in the filming studio (?) Christmas was at the filming studio, new year eve was at the filming studio, Chinese New Year was also spent at the filming studio. Filmed for posters, trailer etc. everything was successfully wrapped up. It should be released before official broadcast.

묭묭튜브 (MyeongMyeongTube) is being managed by the company, however because I am still busy filming now, so I don’t really have the time. But it will still be updated.

Everyone please don’t catch a cold, currently the flu is severe. I hope everyone is careful.

If time permits, daily vlogs will be filmed too. Just turn on the camera and film, right?  It was being mentioned on previous fan-meeting as well, I will consider~

(fan asked)
What’s the original name of the cat who plays the role of hongjo?
There are a lot of them (there’s more than one cat who plays the role of hongjo. 
Myung soo listed out the name of 2 of them and he can’t remember the rest already.) In each filming studio, there will be one small orange kitty, they all look exactly the same, which make people doubt whether if they are friends because they were also filming cat’s drama. They also fed the cats with snacks, because can’t make the cats feel stressed. Therefore, I need to give snacks to the cat while filming, so the whole filming process got slow. However, the outcome of the scenes is really beautiful!

What day is it tomorrow? It’s already Wednesday. Hwaiting for tomorrow everyone! Take good care of your health, the weather is really cold, you must pay attention to your health. That’s all for today, I will go to bed once I have finished reading my script. I need to get up at around 6-7am in the morning, bye bye~ everyone be careful not to catch a cold~

KR CHI ©L_In_Passion
ENG ©staywithyouL
Not 100% accurate, sorry in advance.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

[Related Update] 21/01/2020 - kbsdrama's IG

kbsdrama's IG update, here

μ–΄μ„œμ™€ "Meow, The Secret Boy" New Year's Greetings

You can watch the video here, and don't forget to give a thumb up for the video :)

Youtube: (1) (2) | Naver (requires VPN for international fans)

Download video, here

Sunday 19 January 2020

Wednesday 15 January 2020

[Translation] 200114 — Myungsoo's Vlive Post

Vlive Post: Here

Myungsoo oppa, you had a hard time, I was so worried, but I am so glad that you came back safely
MS: have reached safely~~ ^^

Omg are you okay? I was really worried. You must have had a hard time. Thank you for coming back safely. Please have a good rest
MS: I am fine!! It is very cold in Korea. Be careful not to catch a cold

Myungsoo ya, i am on my way to work
MS: hwaiting!! It’s rush hour, there are a lot of cars. Are you dressed warmly?

I am reading some comments on my way to work
MS: Don’t look at your phone too much! Be careful!

Don’t want to go to work, but I can already see the company building. I will have a warm cup of coffee as soon as I get there
MS: Can be a good strength/start to the day well

Myungsoo, I hope you get back to Seoul safely
MS: I have arrived in Seoul safely!!

I hope you had made good memories in Macau and looking forward to seeing you again
MS: See you again. Thank you!

it is so hard to have my lifestyle changed. All thank to this so I can see my oppa’s post (?)
MS: Be a morning person, find your lifestyle

It is really cold these days, I have been living with rhinitis. I hope you take care of your health
MS: Take care of your health! I heard that the cold is very serious these days

I am having fried chicken party with my family tonight. Oppa must also eat and work well
MS: Sound good, cheer for a good dinner

Myungsoo ya, I am currently taking the subway and, on my way, to work. Good job today~ Hwaiting!
MS: Thank you! Hwaiting for today too

For those who stayed up late, this time seems a bit reluctant. I am going to sleep now. Myungsoo oppa hwaiting for today
MS: Oh my, go sleep

I have a test today
MS: I hope you get good results

Myungsoo ya, I really need to get back soon, need to go to the hospital and take care of the patients. Hwaiting for today, I love you
MS: Cheer up for today! Hwaiting
Rough translation done by staywithyouL (not 100% accurate, sorry in advance)

Tuesday 14 January 2020

[Translation] 200105 — "Come With Me" in Macau's Backstage interview

Interview from:

Q1: How was 2019 year for you?
A1: In 2019, I have met an outstanding drama, “Angel Last Mission: Love”, playing a brand-new angel role. And have spent a meaningful year. In 2020, currently filming for “Welcome”, playing a role of a “Cat Man” (transforming from a cat to a human). I hope everyone will love and support this drama

Q2: “Welcome” will be aired in March, the first time you filmed/acted in a webtoon? What is your thought? How is the role different from your previous roles?
A2: This is not the first time appearing in a webtoon, previously I have filmed “The day after we broke up”, the drama was being broadcasted in Japan, it is available on Netflix too. I hope everyone can check it out. The biggest difference in this role is that, this time is a “Cat Man”. Changing from a cat to a human, however this time is also a fantasy romance drama. The biggest difference is playing the role of a cat, slowly learning how to talk etc. I hope everyone can look forward to it.

Q3: What roles do you want to challenge or is there any actors you want to collaborate/work with?
A3: I want to challenges all type of roles in this world, I don’t have any specific roles I want to challenge. I want to try as long as the content/story is good, same goes to the actors I want to collaborate with. As situation is different, generally I want to work with various people and works.

Q4: This is not the first time you came to Macau, are there any places you want to go or anything you want to eat?
A4: Actually I have eaten and visited. Want to eat egg tarts, and they have prepared egg tarts (for me). I have also received food supports from the fans; they were all Macau’s famous snacks. All of the snacks were all delicious, sincerely thank you to all the fans, this must be included in the interview. I really want to say thank you to all the fans. (Myungsoo emphasized on this part, telling interview to must include this). As for where I want to visit, I have visited both Senado Square and Ruins of St. Paul’s already.

Q5: You have also gone to different places for your individual fan-meeting, are there any special photos in different places? Do you have plans to share with fans?
A5: After the fan-meeting in Macau is over, I will share the photos onto my SNS

Q6: Chinese New Year is coming, how do you plan to spend your Chinese New Year this year?
A6: I most probably have filming during that period of time, and spending it through busy filming

Q7: Lastly, any words to tell KSD readers and the fans?
A7: I have came back to Macau after a long time, everyone has waited for a long time. I hope to give everyone a good stage, and creating happy memories together. And, hope everyone will continue to like me, thank you.

Translation done by staywithyouL (not 100% accurate)
Please give proper credit if you are re-posting it, as I took time out to do the translation as well. Thank you. :)

Compilation of photos from the interview (total 6 photos), here