Tuesday, 25 June 2019

VPN Tutorial (IOS + Android Users)

Why do we need to use VPN?

  • So that we can access to region-restricted websites
  • Naver TV sometimes block international fans from viewing certain videos (Naver TV helps in social points when it comes to music shows & it's also the "YouTube" in Korea)

For example:

This is when you need to use VPN

Android Users:
download links:

IOS Users (updated on 19/04/2020):
VPN for IOS Users, are a bit different from Android, but no worries! I'll guide you through. :)

Step 1:
Download "OpenVPN connect" & "Totally Free VPN" from your Appstore (these apps are free~ so you don't have to worry about it!)

Step 2:
1. Open your "Totally Free VPN" , it will looks something like this
2. Look for: Korea Republic of

Step 3:
1. Right after you clicked onto "Korea Republic of", "download configuration" will then pop out
2. click onto "Yes"

Step 4:
Next, export it to "OpenVPN connect"

Step 5:
1. Click onto "ADD"
2. After "ADD", it will show "Profile successfully imported" (mean you are doing it right! :))

Step 6:
1. Turn on your VPN on the left side
2. Once it is turned on, it will show "connected" :)

How do you check if you have followed the steps correctly or your VPN is working?
2. If you're able to view the videos in that channel, then good job! You've followed well. ^_^b

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